Saturday, August 6, 2011

Time Off in NYC

I have made it through New Jersey in three days and was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the hiking (well...the first part). The trail followed a ridge top with great views of the New Jersey valley below. At one point I had stopped at a ridge peak that was exposed on a rocky outcropping. I was eating a snack and suddenly a glider plane came soaring by the peak within a 100 feet or so from me. It almost scared me because it was RIGHT over my head and was completely silent other than the air noise rushing past me. It was quite a sight, and I sat up there with a day hiker watching the glider come flying past the mountain several times. The pilot seemed very skilled at catching the drafts and actually gaining significant altitude with every pass. That night I camped on peak with an amazing New Jersey sunset.

I have crossed into New York which was a pretty sudden change in terrain. Right at the state line, the terrain changed to a rocky scrabble trail. It's actually pretty fun hiking with lots of craggy climbs and pretty views. Lots of ups and downs though. There has also been some pretty great "trail magic" in New Jersey and New York. Trail magic is just instances of kindness from strangers, mainly food: coolers with drinks on the trail, food and hiker picnics for free. It's really nice, and most trail magic is done by people who have thru-hiked in the past.

I took the train into NYC yesterday and have already enjoyed the city so much. Luke and Jess live in the Upper West Side right near Central Park. Walking outside of their apartment is an instant vast array of restaurants, coffee joints, and the crazy New York rush. It's a pretty stressful and amazing place. I feel like I could get hit by a car at any moment and no one would even notice. Here is a photo of a lake I camped out in New York state. It's called Island Pond, and it was one of the prettiest campsites so far...

I'll try and have another post up by the time I head back out to the trail...


  1. You are making such great progress! I love reading about the different states you have passed through. I laughed at this post thinking about how opposite the trail and New York City must be! Hope to see you in Tennessee before too long :)

  2. Island pond!! No way! Isn't that in Harriman State Park. I loved Harriman State Park. That's when I was the loneliest I've ever been, though. It rained and I got lost...... in a state park..... the trail was covered in debris.... so I tried taking a detour and got lost. It was stupid. I was with a friend, too. For some reason, it was the loneliest, but I was with my friends Popeye and Lightweight. We were in sour moods because of the rain.

    Loving the pics. And the video is great.
