Friday, September 16, 2011

Mt. Katahdin: The Final Day!

I was in middle school, perhaps even elementary school when I heard about a trail that extended from Georgia to Maine. I remember thinking I could hike it in sections over many years, but I never really was interested in doing it that way. I never thought I would do it because it was so hard to find time, and it...was just so hard. As college rolled around, the thoughts of thru-hiking surfaced again. I looked into it more seriously and realized after school might actually work well.
I asked Julie, "What do you think about me hiking the AT after I graduate?"
I remember her saying, "You should do it! It would be great."
Perhaps after being apart for almost these entire 4 months, she may regret that answer, but it is finally complete!

Journeyman and I pushed through the 100-mile Wilderness in 3.5 days, celebrating my 24th birthday on Sunday and his 26th birthday Tuesday. We hiked 20, 28, 30, and 33 miles into Baxter State Park at the base of Katahdin. We sat at the shelter the night before and talked about the amazing experience the trail has been: the people we had met, the places we've stayed, the things we'd seen. I tried to capture it in the three (now full) journals I kept daily and over 1300 photos.
On summit day, we were excited and exhausted from the past few days all at the same time. We started up Mt. Katahdin, a 4000+ ft gain in 5 miles. We pushed up near the top and during the last mile, we hiked without speaking. I was sorting through the thoughts and emotions as I took the last steps of the hike. 2,181 miles of hiking was about to end. I saw the famous Appalachian Trail sign in the distance through the breaking fog. As I approached the summit, I just couldn't stop smiling. This was it. I got to the top, rested my hands on the sign, turned and looked to the south where I started 4 months ago to the day (May 15th), and let out the loudest yell so loud my ears were ringing.

I wish I could describe the feeling of finishing to AT, but I don't even know where to start. The descent down Katahdin was slippery and wet, but I didn't even care. The miles of the AT were over, and my thru-hike is done. I'm torn on how I feel. One half is immensely sad that the adventure is done as my mind races through all the memories of the trail. The other half is beyond excited to be back with family, friends, food, and especially Julie. She supported me the whole way and was separated from me during a hard first few weeks of her first year as a teacher. I can't thank her enough, as well as my family and friends for all the support and encouragement. I'm also thankful for all my friends on the trail: AYCE, Peach, Five Stones, Waterboy, Turbo, Jedi, Chef Boyardee, Fish Hook, Mojo, Grizzly, Milkman, Ever Ready, Journeyman, and all others for the company on the trail. I hope life treats you well...

Thanks for following the blog and for the comments along the way. I hope to see everyone soon back home. I will be posting a handful of highlight pictures on a photo website, so if you're interested, check the blog again in the next week or so.

I'm excited about the NEXT chapter of my life, but I am sad to see this one come to a close.


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