Saturday, September 10, 2011

Monson, ME: The Beginning of the End

Through the 2067 miles I have hiked so far, I have crossed through 14 states starting at Springer Mountain, GA. Now I am 114 miles away from the final destination: Mt. Katahdin, ME. I am in Monson, ME, the final town before the 100-mile wilderness before the final summit.

Last night, I sat on top of Moxie Bald with a friend "Journeyman". This was a short but humbling climb which gave expansive views in all directions. We both sat on top of the granite summit staring into the distance. On the horizon past the hundreds of acres of lakes and pines stood a faint blue peak against the sky: Mt. Katahdin. It was our first view of the end, though it seemed so far away. 100 miles of wilderness is now what stands between me and the end of my journey. The end is now in sight.

I hiked through southern Maine over the rocky summits and rainy weather. I've generally been pretty optimistic through the hard times, but the past week was truly a test. I ran out of food sooner than I thought, and the rain just wouldn't stop. I was discouraged to be honest. This trail will test you through and through, both the physical and the mental. However, as quickly as the rain started, it stopped and left blue skies.

I have been hiking with Journeyman for a couple days now, and we are planning on hiking the last few days together. We are currently staying at our last hostel: The Lakeshore House and Pub. The past few days have been really amazing with good company, great sunsets, and a full moon every night. This is truly a week of "lasts". My last resupply, my last hostel stay, my last meals on the trail, and my last steps of the thru-hike. I am planning on summiting Mt. Katahdin on Thursday, September 15th, the exact 4 month mark from the start of my adventure on Springer Mountain.

I am able to use a computer here, so here are some photos from the past few weeks:

Hurricane Irene damage in the White Mtns

Dad and I had to be creative to get back to the trailhead
Summit of Mt Washington, the day after Irene.

Welcome to Maine!

Trail Frog

Morning Fog in the Bigelows

The 2000 mile mark (though it was actually a few miles south of here)

The Famous Maine Blueberries

Night Photography on Moxie Pond with a Full Moon

Moxie Bald with Katahdin WAY off in the distance (camera couldn't pick it up)

"Journeyman" crossing the Bald Mtn 7am. Brrrrr!

Journeyman and I hitching back to Monson, ME after our last resupply.

I will have a few post-trip entries after the last day. Thanks for your interest and support. I'm excited to get home to the civilized world once again!


  1. I am so excited for you! What an amazing accomplishment! Ben and I and all your wonderful friends can't wait to see you again!

  2. these are awesome pics! hope the trail is treating you well on your birthday! you're a stud.

  3. Can't believe its the week of "lasts!" What an amazing thing you've done! So proud!

    I love the pictures on this post! Especially the fog and berries! Those berries look SOOO good!

    I hope you enjoy your last few days and cherish each moment.

    So excited to see you soon!! ...and to see you scarf down non-trail food!

    Love you bro!
