Monday, July 25, 2011

Over Half Way Through PA

I have pushed on over the rocky Pennsylvania ridgelines to Hamburg, PA. The heat has been bad, so I am very thankful for any AC I can get. The hike out of Duncannon was unbelievably hot. I was POURING sweat and drank liter after liter of water. I've listened to my iPod quite a bit the fast few days because it helps the hard miles pass. Pennsylvania doesn't really have the greatest of views, so endless trees can get old.

At one point I was hiking down off a ridge and came to an ice cold stream. I could feel its coolness before I even saw it. I pulled of my pack and sat down next to it. A day hiker came around the corner and we started to chat. He was parked right there and offered me a beer. We sat by the stream drinking a brew and talked for a good while. He does lots of hiking in New Hampshire, so we had lots to talk about. Also, now I love Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale. It was great to sit and relax with a kind stranger.

I am now in Hamburg, PA sitting in a McDonalds with another hiker named Mojo, a younger guy like me from New Jersey. We strolled around Walmart for a couple hours (a thru-hiker's second favorite past time), and now we are watching the sheets of rain fall outside. We know we have to eventually leave, but the AC, free wifi, and comfortable chairs are keeping us here. A taste of civilization is always nice.

The next few days will be great because I'm hitting a few towns in a row: Palmerton, PA on Wednesday, and Delaware Water Gap, PA on Friday. They both have free hostels or churches which is wonderful. Pennsylvania has probably been the toughest state so far. In combination with the heat and the constant woods, it's more of a mental challenge. Though Virginia took a while, it was beautiful. I'll be glad to make it to New Jersey by this weekend. Then I'll be in NYC next weekend for a couple of much needed zeros.

Here is another mail drop location. It's Luke and Jess's place in NYC. FedEx, UPS, or USPS will work.

Jeff McKnight
200 W. 70th Street, #9b
New York, NY 10023

I'm planning on arriving the 5th of August.

Mobile readers, I changed the settings so it might be easier to read now...
Oh, the rain is my chance to hitch back to the trail. Cheers!


  1. CHIIIIIII!!!! OMG!!! How have you hiked that far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stud Muffin award winner for life!

  2. WOW...what a great treat to read where and how you are but I really love your writing. Maybe a book is in your future. Loving you and praying for you all the way to Maine. MOM

  3. hi Jeff..I just read your trail blogging for the first time..yes all at one time(at work)..dont tell Joey..heehee. Anyway..wanted to tell you its amazing what you are doing..and admirable. Be careful..and I cant wait for you to get home safely so I can get to know Julies "boo" better :)

  4. Hey Jeff (Scooter) - this has been the most amazing thing seeing you in action and following every blog, every state, every adventure, which I know are too numerous to remember. As I told you before you left, the trail will be beautiful, the trip will be one for a life time of memories but the real blessing will be the people you meet and the friends you will share forever, even if you never see them again. I am proud of you for having the courage to go after your dreams and I can promise you will NEVER be sorry you took the time to invest in yourself for these few hard but incredible months. The dividends will pay a lifetime of rewards. Dad

  5. Have you already passed the Dutch Haus hostel? Or have you not gotten to it? Or do you know what I'm talking about at all? That place is freaking sweet.
