Sunday, June 5, 2011

Three Weeks : 340 miles

I made it to the next town of Erwin, TN. The past few days I hiked 10 miles, 24, 19, and 16. I think the majority of my aches and pain are slowly leaving me, so I might be able to walk higher miles. Perhaps I am getting my "trail legs" people always talk about. We'll see about that. Some friends and I walked down the street for dinner, and then we stocked up on groceries. Unfortunately my eyes were bigger than my stomach, and now I have a massive amount of food to pack up.

The good thing about towns is that they are a "recharge" for food, energy, sleep, and relaxing. The bad things are that you usually have to descend a good ways into town, and then leaving you have to hike out (and usually up) with a super heavy pack of food. Though somewhat accidental, I think I may have enough food to get to Damascus, VA without having to resupply. It is 124 miles away, and I am planning on getting there in about 6 days. For those of you asking about mail drops, here is an address I will check when I arrive in town. ETA: Saturday, June 11th. If you would like to send anything (letter, food, a sack of bricks, etc), send it to:

Jeff McKnight
C/O Mt. Rogers Outfitters
PO Box 546
110 W Laurel Ave.
Damascus, VA 24236
"Please Hold for AT Hiker"
ETA June 11th, 2011

(USPS and UPS only I think...)
...just remember, whatever you send, I have to carry it. No Watermelons!

Otherwise, things are still going great. The shelters in North Carolina aren't the greatest, so I have been sleeping in my one man tent a lot. I sleep better there. I am looking forward to these next 6 days, but I hope the rain holds off. Last night it rain, but I was in a Super 8 with some friends! So glad that worked out. Virginia in 6 days! Nearly a quarter of the way done. That's a crazy thought...


  1. Dear Jeffrey Holmes,

    I just thought I would state that you are all that is man and a beast for hiking so quickly. Wowzers. Also, I'm excited to see you soon! Glad you had fun with Julie (I promise I won't keep her away from you while you're here!)


    Elizabeth Ellen

  2. I need to mail you. Also, you were in J.J. Abrams new film with some friends??!!??!! tee hee jk jk... get it? Super 8?
