Monday, May 16, 2011

Night Two

So this is only the second night on the trail, and I am already in a hostel. It definitely wasn't my plan, but the weather here has been crazy. It's really cold (low 40s tonight) and I didn't plan for cold weather at all...its suppose to rain tonight, and the next two shelters were closed due to bear activity. For all the moms and grandmothers out there, don't worry. I have my shotgun slung over my shoulder at all times. I just found out at the hostel that the shelters are reopening tomorrow, so that's good news.

Yesterday was a great day. However, of the 11.6 miles I hiked, only 2.8 were actually AT miles. The AT Approach Trail was such a tease. If I was a rabbit, the AT tied a carrot in front of my face for the first 8.8 miles. It was a strenuous approach, and that was just to get the peak of Springer Mountain, the "official" start. I camped last night and slept fine. Some sprinkles in the night, so I wasn't thrilled about packing up a wet tent. Good thing its tiny.

Today was 17.6 mi. I didnt intend to hike that far, but if I wasn't eating...I was hiking. I took a long lunch (that was freezing) and ended up at Woody Gap. Three other hikers and I decided to take advantage of the hostel since the weather was unexpectedly cold. Hiking weather, perfect. Hanging out outside weather, very chilly. I listened to music a lot which helped with the hills. Instead of hearing my heart beat in my ears, I listened to Vetiver and Coldplay.

Tomorrow's plan is to hike around the same distance as today. I have linked up with two guys with a similar pace (two of Bryan Hill's friends, if you know who that is...) I heard they were starting the same day as me, but never thought I'd actually meet them. The next thing I know I am staying in a hostel with them. Small world...I wonder who else I'll meet.


  1. LOVE your blog!! Thanks for sharing details. Good luck, have fun and keep writing when you can!!!

  2. Oh Jeffery, always makin' jokes! Seriously, though, this is so awesome and I'm so excited that you finally are getting to do this! I'll look forward to seeing you again in about a month! Stay warm out there.... this weather is nuts!

  3. just imagine snuggling up next to gary in the middle of the night when you are cold...

  4. Good luck Jeff, I'll be following you. Slow down so you don't over do it and hurt something in the beginning.
    Mark Moody, Sam's dad

  5. Wow. Very similar experience to me.... sitting in a hostel and Greg Baird (AKA Tennesse Jed) walks up.... I knew he was doing the trail, but I didn't think I'd actually see him.

    I also listened to a lot of Vetiver on the trail.

    And I had no idea that there were 9 miles to hike before Springer Mntn. Make snow angels for me!
